Fun Picture Post

This is a fun one, I wanna know what you would wish for!
I would wish for either true love, or world peace. That's my honest answer, don't make fun xD


  1. That's awesome, world peace is one of my wishes too. If I had to choose one, I'd say a cure for my family.

    1. Why a cure for you family? That's a curious thing to wish for!

    2. We all have something: Depression, anxiety, my dad has gout, my sister gets seizures... it's a mess.

    3. My family and I are sick.

    4. Aww, I'm so sorry! I do hope you get your cure!

  2. Oh, goodness, um... probably to be a published author. :) That's pretty much my dream in life.

    1. Oh, yeah! I totally want that too! I didn't even think of that.....
      But, Emma, you deserve it!

  3. okay I'd wish either to have really strong stomach muscles like I used to and no health issues (cyst on ovaries and excessive stomach pains) just so I could spend more time riding :D

  4. Can you ask for more wishes? Cause I have like a million....

    1. Haha! What's your top wish?

    2. I have top three all tied. Superpowers, for this certain guy to like me or to be pretty. And not the everyone's pretty in their own way pretty. Actually pretty.

  5. My one wish would be to have as many wishes as I want :). But if I could only have one, and not wish for more wishes, then it would probably be... no sin in the world, or peace, or everyone gets to go to heaven... something like that.

    ~A.J. Ryan

    1. Haha, so true!
      But, no offense, I don't want everyone in Heaven. I don't want terrorists or Satan. Well terrorists would be ok if they repent, but I only want the good in Heaven if you know what I mean....

    2. Yeah, I guess you are right.
      ~A. J. Ryan

    3. I'm nearly always right. You shouldn't debate with me. :P Haha, just kidding!

    4. Mhmm. NEARLY, but not always. (; Tape should not be used to earthquake proof a home.

    5. Aha but Seana, it was Velcro. And I still think that was brilliant!

    6. Some terrorists do not even realize that they are doing wrong. I read that organizations of terrorists take young children, and from the moment these children are born, they are taught that the US is entirely made up of evil people that go against the bidding of Allah (as this article was referring to Muslim terrorist organizations). The children are taught that if they kill people in the US, even if they have to kill themselves in the process, then Allah will approve of them or something like that. And the poor children are not allowed to meet any other people, except the people telling them constantly that killing is okay if you kill those that Allah hates. And so they grow up not realizing that the deeds they do are wrong. :(

    7. Yes that's horrible! However it is still a sin so unless they repent and believe in Jesus as their saviour, I do not think they'll go to Heaven. It's a horrible thing that they don't know the truth :(

  6. I would wish for no more cancer in the world, because so many families (including mine) have lost loved ones to it.

    1. Yes, that is so true. Watching my grandpa suffer from cancer was hard. I wish they could find a cure already!

  7. I wish there to be an end to world hunger! I don't like the idea of children starving.

  8. My wish would be to go to Hogwarts.


    1. Haha! YES! If only it was real.....

    2. I agree. That would be sweet! Except...GO HUFFLEPUFFS!

    3. Kylie and I can be roomies while you and Ev party all night. Hmph. Gryffindor is obviously far more superior than Hufflepuff.

  9. I'd wish for many things. I think that one that I would wish for that I new would come true is this: for all the orphans and widows in the world to find a family that loves them for who they are. Even in the countries that don't allow US adoptions.

    1. Uhhhhm, good idea! That sound was like a sound you can't type....
      I think it's sad how just recently, Russia banned US adoptions. That's just so sad!

  10. Oh, my...
    Well, there are all sorts of nice wishes like world peace, end to world hunger, all orphans to have a home, cure to cancer, etc that I'd like, as well as all sorts of selfish but still awesome wishes like being published, having superpowers, finding true love, going to Hogwarts... That's really a question that tests your innermost character... Now, I wish I could say world peace or something that Mother Teresa or Gandhi would wish for, but the truth is that all humans have some selfishness in, I donate, but I won't donate so much of my money that I become poor or malnourished just to feed and put a roof over others. And the thing about world peace is that even if everyone is peaceful, we haven't achieved cold fusion or found a way to repair the damages we've done to the world. Since I'm sitting, warm, fed, and happy at home, I'll wish for a general umbrella wish: all world problems solved? But I'm certain if I were actually offered the one wish, I'd wish differently and probably more selfishly. Sorry for the long comment, I just had a lot to say.

    1. That's totally fine that its so long!
      Wow you put a lot of thought into that and I agree with everything you said but I would still stick with my original wish because, sure there's plenty of things I want, but I don't really need them. Others need much more than me.

  11. -_- really? I mean really dude? I disagree. I am not pretty whatsoever. (Reply button didn't work)

    1. Compliment fishing much? Haha lol though.


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